Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Speech about Corruption culture in Indonesia

Honorable adjudicators and my lovely friends,
first of all let’s pray and thanks unto Allah SWT, Who has given us mercy and blessing so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly my peace salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from darkness to the brightness from stupidity to the cleverness from jahiliyah to Islamiyah namely Islamic religion.
Today I will convey a speech about Corruption culture in Indonesia.
Many people say that corruption has become a culture. Comments like this are not to blame. because of the phenomenon of corruption is nothing new in the life of the Indonesian people, but the problem when more and more corruptor and more sophisticated. This course will be the sustainability of the livelihood of the people of Indonesia.
Now I will explain the meaning of corruption and culture.
what is corruption? corruption is a crime committed by a person or group with the purpose of enriching themselves in the wrong way.
and what is culture? I think a brief definition of culture is something that humans do because it has become a habit and hereditary

and how do you think if corruption becomes a habit and even become a culture?

ladies and gentlemen

I  will not discuss about how much the case of corruption is happen in Indonesia, but why corruption that could happen?

we never thought, why corruption happens?
a basic question about corruption.
I give a small example. children who want a
clothes because he jealous to his friend. and because he was afraid to tell his parents, he was lying on the grounds eventually asked for more money to pay for books.
but the money was not used to pay for books, but to buy clothes .

this problems can be said to be corrupt?
yes, it can be considered corruption. a child who lied to h
is parents.

corruption is not only the corruption of money, but also other corruption. such as the corruption of time. for example, someone who works at a company that has a rule that employees should come in at 7
am and leave at 5 pm, but many employees who do not obey the rules, as there are employees who go home before 5pm. This example can be said to be a corruption of time.
this cases often occure and can become a habit, and even become a culture that will continue to be done by the community.
and this could become a habit in the society.

and now we turn to the subject matter
why corruption is happening?
of these examples, we can conclude that corruption can occur
because of three factors
1. intention: corruption can occur if the person has the intention to do it
2. opportunity: after intention, he'll find the right opportunity
3. risk: if the people think that the action was not a big risk, then he will do it.
but often people think that corruption does not have a big risk, so he would do it quietly.
and how to prevent it?
prevention of corruption is very simple but useful if you do, which should start from ourselves, honest, and believe that corruption is the disease that is harmful to people's lives.

if everyone thought like that, corruption will not occur in the community, specifically in Indonesia
I think enough for my speech, I apologize if there are many mistakes in my speech and last thanks for your attention . . . Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

by : Ika Supriyanti

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